Monday, March 1, 2010

Slack Owners

So my owners have been super slack and refused to log me in for months and months!

A couple of things that have happened in my life recently:
  • My boy went off to college. I am not happy about it but undoubtedly it is necessary. He does come home sometimes. I always show him how happy I am that he is there !
  • We have had a lot of snow in Georgia. At first it was quite fun and I liked to run around in it, but after a while it just got old. Can't I just lay in the dry yard and sun myself for once??? I have lots of pictures from the snow. I will post some soon!
  • My owners have finally stepped up and joined the KCA. I have to say it is about time.

1 comment:

  1. Your boy went to college?? That's so sad and lonely for you! Wow, I hope my Momma and P-Daddy don't go to college. Oh wait, they already did. Well I hope they don't go back.

    Snow is PAWESOME! Seriously, dude, I never get sick of snow. You can catch snowflakes, roll in it, do the face plow, sniff it for little critter smells, eat it, roll in it, catch snowballs, face plow, eat it, smell it, run in it, dive in it... well, you get the idea.

    I have to join the KCA too. Boy am I slow.
